
Our children’s centre offers a range of playgroups, all at no cost, providing valuable opportunities for families to connect, learn, and grow together. You do not need to book for playgroups; simply come along, and our friendly staff will assist you with signing in and provide information about the routine of each playgroup.

Playgroups run at our site during term time only. Here are the playgroups currently running:

  • Learning Together Playgroup (Tuesdays 9:30-11:00): Designed for children from walking onwards, this playgroup encourages interactive learning experiences in a supportive environment.
  • Tuesday Baby Playgroup (Tuesday 1:00-2:30): Tailored for non-walkers, this playgroup offers a nurturing space for babies and their caregivers to bond and engage in age-appropriate learning and sensory opportunties.
  • Wednesday Toddler Playgroup (9:00-10:30): Supported by centre staff, along with speech and occupational therapists, this playgroup focuses on supporting toddlers’ developmental milestones and fostering social interaction.
  • Thursday Playconnect Plus Playgroup (9:30-11:30): Specifically, for children aged 0-8 with a disability, autistic characteristics, or those needing support with behaviour, this playgroup provides a supportive and inclusive environment for children and their families.

Playgroups are not just about play; they are a wonderful opportunity to connect with other families in our community, learn about the importance of play in child development, ask questions, and seek support on how your child is progressing.

Join us at our playgroups and become a part of our supportive community where every child and family is valued and celebrated.

What’s On Term 4, 2024